ICEDID : 최근 4 가지 악성 코드 감염 기술 탐색 - Infosecurity Magazine

ICEDID : 최근 4 가지 악성 코드 감염 기술 탐색 - Infosecurity Magazine

The study found that the use of public transport decreased significantly during the pandemic.

코로나 팬데믹 시기에 공공 교통 이용이 크게 감소하였다는 것이 연구에서 밝혀졌다.

IcedID: Exploring Four Recent Malware Infection Techniques - Infosecurity Magazine

The Study Found That the Use of Public Transport Decreased Significantly During The Pandemic.

It was found that the use of public transportation was significantly reduced during the Corona Fan Demick period.